


Stay in an AC private room with required amenities, including food.
Complete medical checkup by expert panel of doctors on arrival.
Testing for Covid-19.
14 days treatment, including daily yoga under trainers.
Daily panchakarma therapy (Dhara, Kizhi, Abhyangam, etc) as per doctors’ prescription.
Physiotherapy (daily, if prescribed by doctor).
Medical kit for 31 days on discharge and online yoga for 31 days.
Everything is designed as per AYUSH protocol.
Medical insurance claim, i.e., reimbursement from insurance provider, is available for eligible policyholders.

Available Locations
Thrissur and Ernakulam Districts in Kerala.
INR - 90,000/- All Inclusive*

* (10% advance PAYMENT for confirmation. Balance should be paid at the selected hospital.)



Accommodation in a deluxe room with food.
Complete medical check-up by expert panel of doctors on arrival.
Testing for Covid-19.
14 days treatment, including daily yoga under trainers.
Daily panchakarma therapy (Dhara, Kizhi, Abhyangam, etc) as per doctors’ prescription.
Daily physiotherapy (if prescribed by doctor).
Medical kit for 31 days on discharge and online yoga for 31 days.
Everything is designed as per AYUSH protocol.
Medical insurance claim, i.e., reimbursement from insurance provider, is available for eligible policyholders.

Available Locations
Calicut and Thrissur Districts in Kerala.
INR - 1,20,000/- All Inclusive*

* (10% advance PAYMENT for confirmation. Balance should be paid at the selected hospital.)



Accommodation in a suit room or in villa with food.
Free pick up and drop from the nearest airport or railway station, if requested.
Free food for bystander.
Complete medical check-up by expert panel of doctors on arrival.
Testing for Covid-19.
14 days treatment, including daily yoga under the guidance of trainers.
Daily panchakarma therapy (Dhara, Kizhi, Abhyangam, etc) as per doctors’ prescription.
Daily physiotherapy (if prescribed by doctor).
Medical kit for 31 days on discharge and online yoga for 31 days.
Everything is designed as per AYUSH protocol.
Medical insurance claim, i.e., reimbursement from insurance provider, is available for eligible policyholders.

Available Location
Calicut District in Kerala.
INR - 1,50,000/- All Inclusive*

* (10% advance PAYMENT for confirmation. Balance should be paid at the selected hospital.)

Special Discounts for family and group booking.