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From Covid-19


Coronaviruses – A Glimpse

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses, which have ribonucleic acid (RNA) as its genetic material, that cause a number of diseases such as cold, fever, cough, lung infection, pneumonia, respiratory problems and heart failure, to name a few.
Infection begins when the virus enters your cell. Coronaviruses vary significantly in risk factor. Some can kill more than 30% of the infected and some are relatively harmless.
The recently identified novel strain of coronavirus - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) - causes Covid-19. The origin of the outbreak is traced to Wuhan in China.
If you were infected with Covid-19, we can imagine how relieved you would be after testing negative for the virus. While you have survived the virus attack, it doesn’t, however, mean you have fully recovered. The after-effects may linger for a while. You can’t also turn a blind eye to the chances of reinfection. And we are here to ensure your overall wellness by sticking to the age old traditional alternative medicine system of Ayurveda. We have a dedicated team of ayurvedic doctors and beds in reputed hospitals to take good care of your health. And your health is our priority. Why wait

Covid-19 Symptoms

Flu-like complications
Don’t neglect cold, sneezing, sore throat, headache, diarrhoea, vomiting, heaviness in the head, fever/feeling feverish and associated muscle/body pain. All these are symptoms of Covid-19 infection and you have to seek medical help without any delay.
Respiratory problems
You may experience mild to high breathing difficulty, lingering chest pain, chest congestion and cough. If you are breathing noisily, that’s also one of the symptoms.
Other issues
Tiredness, loss of appetite, loss of taste, loss of smell, conjunctivitis, skin rashes, discolouration of fingers or toes and loss of speech or movement.

Things to do to keep Covid-19 at bay

Practise hand hygiene
Clean your hands inside out with soap and water, especially upon returning home from outside. At workplaces and public places too you have to make it a habit to wash your hands with soap and water often.
Use hand sanitizer
If you are not in a position to wash your hands often, please apply hand sanitizer, which will give you the much-needed protection against the virus. This will come handy when you are travelling and touch common surfaces.
Disinfect your personel belongings
Once you have returned home from outside, don’t leave your clothes, wallets, belts, face mask and phones, among other things, scattered around the house. Soak your clothes in soap water and wash them properly. It is also important that you take a proper bath. Disinfect other items too in way that you may deem fit.
Keep a distance from infected people
It is better not to come into close contact with a person who is tested positive for the virus as it’s an infectious disease. Also, don’t use the objects that are used by them without properly disinfecting them.
Wear a face mask
It isn’t advisable for you to step out without wearing a face mask, which would act like a shield against the virus. It will reduce your chances of getting infected from a positive patient, with who you may come in contact incidentally.
Keep your hands away from eyes, nose or mouth
Make it a habit not to touch your face unnecessarily with your bare hands, especially when you are out in a public place. This is because your hands may contain virus from the common surfaces that you have touched.

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